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Print Edition: ISSN 2065-3506 |
Online Edition: ISSN 2065-5851 |
Cover-to-cover reviewing in: Mathematical Reviews Zentralblatt MATH |
Indexed in: EBSCO Academic Search Complete ISC |
J.Adv.Math.Stud. approves and supports: |
- the International Mathematical Union's Best Current Practices for Journals (2010); |
- European Mathematical Society Ethics Committee - Code of Practice (2012). |
Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies® was founded in 2008 at Bucharest.
It is a trade mark of Fair Partners Society for the Promotion of Science.
It is published in one volume per year, at least two issues each volume.
The Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies publishes research articles in any area of mathematics and
its applications and can invite well-written survey articles.
All submissions to our journal should be written in English. All manuscripts are refereed and those of high quality will be published (for referee form click here).
Current rejection rate: 66%