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Instructions for Authors

1) Aims and Scope
     The journal publishes research articles in any area of mathematics and its applications, especially significant techniques and applications in nonlinear analysis, computation theory, mathematical optimization.
     The journal encourages submission of papers which have the potential of opening new perspectives.

2) Initial submission
     A paper may be submitted to journal@fairpartners.ro in our style only. However, a manuscript can be submitted to any member of the Editorial Board. A zip file containing a template and style files for LaTeX can be downloaded here.
     Please submit your paper electronically, as an attachment to an email message. Preferred format for electronic submission is pdf or dvi. Your submission should be a single file, with a distinctive name. The information in the body of the email message should include the authors' full names, the full title of the paper, and the format of the attached file. If electronic submission is not possible, send your paper in two copies, as well as a cover letter which includes an email address (preferred) to 203 Calea Vitan, Bl. 42, Ap. 10, 031287 Bucharest (RO). When there are Joint Authors, the email message or cover letter should specify which author will assume responsibility for correspondence.

3) After acceptance
     After a paper is accepted, the J.Adv.Math.Stud. strongly ask to receive any computer files associated with the paper. Do not send any materials to the J.Adv.Math.Stud. Office until you are contacted by the editorial team. We prefer LaTeX files in our style. Files can be sent by email to journal@fairpartners. ro. If you have figures please send them in the original program format. Please make one figure per file with no caption (we will insert the caption) and entitle the files fig1.eps, fig2.eps etc. so we can easily identify the correct figure numbers. It is very important that the office be notified of any changes in your email address.

4) Proofs
     All proofing is done by email, and we cannot use this process without a current email address. Prior to publication a pdf file will be sent to you via email for proofreading. You must have a working email.

5) Page Charges
     There are no page charges.

6) Reprints
     The first author of a published paper can receive the associated pdf format.

7) Copyright
     No paper that has been previously published, that has been copyrighted, or that is being considered for publication elsewhere, should be submitted to the J.Adv.Math.Stud. Nor may a paper that is under consideration by the J.Adv.Math.Stud. be submitted elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to the publisher, if and when, the paper is accepted for publication.