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VOLUME 8(2015), NO. 1


1. Sensitivity analysis for general variational inclusions involving difference of operators

   by Muhammad Aslam Noor, Rabia Kamal, Khalida Inayat Noor and Awais Gul Khan, pp. 01-08

    Abstract (pdf)


2. φ-contractions in cone metric spaces

   by Maria Samreen, pp. 09-17

    Abstract (pdf)


3. Nearly paracompactness with respect to an ideal

   by V. Renukadevi and N. Sathiyasundari, pp. 18-39

    Abstract (pdf)


4. On some concepts of polynomial dichotomy for linear discrete-time systems in Banach spaces

    by Nicolae Marian Seimeanu, pp. 40-52



5. Symmetric bi-multiderivations on incline algebras

   by Sh. Rezapour  and S. Sami, pp. 53-59

   Abstract (pdf)


6. The existence of solutions for fractional order differential inclusions with an anti-periodic boundary condition

   by M. Moghadam  and H. Mohammadi, pp. 60-67

   Abstract (pdf)


7. Strong convergence theorems of implicit iterates with errors for non-Lipschitzian asymptotically

quasi-nonexpansive type mappings

   by G.S. Saluja, pp. 68-79

   Abstract (pdf)


8. A singular fractional differential equation with Riemann-Liouville integral boundary condition

    by Sh. Rezapour and M. Shabibi, pp. 80-88

   Abstract (pdf)


9. Solutions of second order nonhomogeneous linear differential equations with meromorphic coefficients

    by Maamar Andasmas and Benharrat Belaïdi,  pp. 89-103

   Abstract (pdf)


10. Some Classes of k-Uniformly close-to-convex functions

    by Khalida Inayat Noor and Rabia Fayyaz pp. 104-114

   Abstract (pdf)


11. Generalized multivalued integral type weak contractions

    by Tayyab Kamran, Rashid Ali and Sadaf Sultan,  pp. 115-120

   Abstract (pdf)


12. Higher-order duality for minimax fractional programming problem containing arbitrary norms

    by Anurag Jayswal, Krishna Kummari and I. Ahmad pp. 121-136

   Abstract (pdf)


13. Sufficiency and duality of set-valued optimization problems via higher-order contingent derivative 

    by K. Das and C. Nahak pp. 137-151

   Abstract (pdf)